Deposit to Capybara and earn points

  1. First, find the pool you want to deposit into from the mission list under the Portal Mission tab.

  1. Obtain the tokens needed for the deposit.

When you click the link for each token, you will be redirected to a service (including bridges) where you can acquire the token. For detailed steps on bridging, refer to the “Bridging from another chain to Kaia” link.

  1. Once you have all the necessary tokens, click the “Deposit” button to go to the corresponding DEX.

  1. Choose the pool and asset you want, then click the “Liquidity” button.

  1. Connect your wallet and approve the token.

This allows the USDT (Stargate) token to be used on Capybara DEX. You can also check the risks of the pool by clicking the “Risks of using Capybara’s pools” button.

  1. Click the “Deposit & Stake” button.

  1. Once liquidity is provided, you can check your liquidity on Capybara DEX as shown.

  1. When you return to Kaia Portal, the pool where you’ve provided liquidity will change to “Applied” within about an hour.

  1. You will also be able to see the points accumulating at one-hour intervals.

  1. For more details on how to use Capybara, visit:

Last updated